
The starting point for all effective communications is market and user research. The better we know our audience, the greater the relevancy of our messaging and the things we make together.

Brand immersion

We start by immersing ourselves in your brand and business. We'll read what you've written, obsess over your website and your social media content and campaigns. We'll come stay at at your hotels for a weekend, or hang with you on your on your tree top adventures to make sure that we live and breathe your brand like we were a customer, and like it was our own.


Stakeholder engagement

Creating successful products, services, websites, films or creative communications of any kind, on any stage means finding the sweet spot between the needs of an organisation and the needs of its customers or users. We engage with all key stakeholders, both internal and external through a combination of stakeholder workshops, surveys, interviews and focus groups to make sure your organisational objectives and the needs of your customers and users are clearly understood and documented.


Market research

Knowing your audience, competitors and the markets that you operate in are key to your success. Every project incorporates a degree of research including desk research, competitor analysis and research into brands that you like and respect. When there is a requirement to dig deeper into market research, we work with our friends Taylor Mackenzie who provide full service market research services, fieldwork, recruitment and who have viewing facilities on site.


User research

The most successful products and services are designed for their users or customers. We've been a user-centric, customer first, design and digital agency for many years. For many of our clients we interview and survey users and customers to give us adequate quantitative and qualitative data to work from. We also test our apps, websites and messaging and communications with users through a combination of category testing, prototyping and user testing and continuously improve and evolve the things we make.


Social listening

Understanding who your audience is and how they feel about your brand isn't always as simple as running a focus group or sending out a survey. Using advanced data gathering and mapping tools, we can analyse millions of posts on social media to look for mentions of your brand, understand what people are saying about you and look for opportunities to improve your overall communication strategy. We can also take a deep dive into how your competitors are being discussed and provide intuitive and visual data-driven reports to arm you with the information you need to make the right comms decisions.

Let's tell a brilliant story.

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